by Nicole | Sep 15, 2021 | Stories
Susannah reached into the laundry basket and pulled out the navy blue bra – the one she had been wearing for the last three days – and thought of Catherine. Catherine was the brilliant but emotionally fragile protagonist in the play, “Proof” by...
by Nicole | Sep 15, 2021 | Observations
It’s fifty degrees and the March sun is shining. I put on my water-resistant cross-country ski gloves, take hold of a shopping cart, and pass through the automatic door. I am at my local Hannaford supermarket. I’ve already procured ample supplies of my favorite...
by Nicole | Sep 15, 2021 | Observations
It is September in the year of the pandemic. A summer of drought followed by torrential rains and high winds brought what seemed to be a sudden and cruel end to the fall foliage. Our majestic sugar maple dropped its golden leaves all at once, dumping them in a thick...
by Nicole | Sep 15, 2021 | Observations
Late last night I heard the screen door slam, And a big yellow taxi took away my old man…. by Joni Mitchell I never appreciated how much I needed toilet paper until I got to the store and found the paper aisle shelves bare and Amazon only offering weird looking rolls...
by Nicole | Sep 15, 2021 | Observations
I stood fourth in a line of hopeful shoppers armed with newly disinfected shopping carts, holding tightly to paper lists of needed items, and concealed behind an array of colorful homemade masks. Some wore goggles; almost all wore glasses. Mine fogged slightly as warm...